My initials{ps}

Hello, I am Pruthvi Shetty

I work as a tech lead at AntStack

I build on the web, tinker tech and play games. I write about it too!

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My Skillset

Problem Solving

Currently learning and implementing this newer field building processes for RAG workflows at my org and experimenting with OpenAI as well as open source models to understand use-cases and develop solutions for people,teams and businesses

Frontend Development

I love doing frontend! but am more gifted towards the 'Technical' side of things like state management,performance optimization and building scalable applications. meaning i prefer having a designer drive the user interface and I take care of the rest, mainly the delightful experience part

Backend Development

The vast sea of backend development amazes me where theres multiple things to do, i started off doing express and mongo but now I am more into serverless lambdas and databases like dynamodb and firestore but recently Supabase and consequently SQL have won my heart over, I believe in thinking and architecting from the perspective of the user and building the backend to support the frontend

Small Org Problems

AntStack is my first professional job, and during its time ive seen it grow from a small team to a medium sized team, I have seen the problems that come with scaling an org and the little things that can be done to make the process smoother. The most important mindset I have developed is to come up with impactful solutions and taking ownership of the problems, I have built small tools to almost SasS platforms to solve the problems that I see around me. Wearing multiple comes naturally to me

Gen AI

Currently learning and implementing this newer field building processes for RAG workflows at my org and experimenting with OpenAI as well as open source models to understand use-cases and develop solutions for people,teams and businesses